When Informed Decision Making Meets Health Promotion

An Integration of Both Areas Based on the Example of Smoking Cessation


This dissertation had two main goals. The first goal was to learn more about so-called decision aids that are used to help users make decisions related to improving their own health. It was found that, while these tools can help people, we still need to learn more about what really helps in decision making. The dissertation makes a first contribution to this. The second goal was to develop a digital decision aid to help smokers decide how they want to quit smoking. This decision aid was developed together with smokers and other experts. Furthermore, it was examined who finds such a decision aid interesting and from which part of the decision aid users benefit the most. It was found that, although many people are interested in such a digital decision aid, more research needs to be done into what ensures that users continue to use the decision aid and do not stop halfway through.

Thomas Gültzow
Thomas Gültzow
Assistant Professor Societal Transition & Behaviour Change

I am a passionate researcher in the field of behaviour and decision making, specialising in informed decision making, behaviour change, and the influence of digital communication and interventions.