Evaluating a decision aid for mental health disclosure: Insights from a think-aloud & pilot study


Decisions around mental health disclosure are often complex, especially within university settings. To support students and staff at Maastricht University, a decision aid was developed to guide this process. This article presents findings from a think-aloud usability test and pilot study with Maastricht University students and staff to refine the tool before wider use. During the think-aloud study, participants tested the decision aid while verbalizing their thoughts. After the think-aloud sessions, we piloted the decision aid at the university, asking early users to complete a brief questionnaire. The think-aloud study showed positive user experiences, no major issues, and insights for refining the decision aid and guiding other decision aid developers. The pilot study participants reported no issues, using the decision aid to evaluate options post-decision and to consider disclosure. Future efforts should therefore focus on careful, systematic implementation and larger-scale testing (e.g., in the form of a randomized controlled trial) to ensure the tool effectively addresses the diverse needs of users.

Thomas Gültzow
Thomas Gültzow
Assistant Professor Societal Transition & Behaviour Change

I am a passionate researcher in the field of behaviour and decision making, specialising in informed decision making, behaviour change, and the influence of digital communication and interventions.